Thursday, January 24, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday - Jj


This great meme is hosted by Jenny Matlock. Click here to visit the website and join in the fun! I am going to use Alphabet Thursday to show off some of my favourite children's picture books each week! I love using picture books in my teaching and do have a particular fondness for vintage picture books. 

This weeks book is an old favourite of mine written by Jenny Wagner and illustrated beautifully by Ron Brooks  called John Brown, Rose and the Midnight Cat. It is about a dog called John Brown, his owner - Rose and a cat that comes in the night. It is a story about change, but it is also a beautiful tale of the love between people and animals. I loved this book when I was at school. Have you heard of it before? I was very sad this morning when I was unable to find my copy of this wonderful book! I know it is here somewhere as I saw it recently, but I have obviously put it somewhere safe if I can't even find it! lol :) Here is a picture of the cover for John Brown, Rose and the Midnight Cat from


  1. Sorry to say I have not read about
    John Brown but will look into finding
    it at the library.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great post for J ~ but have not heard of it ~ sounds delightful ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  3. I put things in "safe" places all the time, too!

  4. That's not a book I've ever heard of, but it does sound delightful. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  5. Fun J Post...look forward to seeing more childrens books too! :)

  6. I have not heard of this book, but I will be searching it out. Thanks for sharing your book with us. It is always good to have new books to discover!
    And, if it is any consolation - I put things in 'safe places' and find that they are so 'safe' it takes me days, months (and sometimes years) to find them again! But, they were safe because they are exactly where I put them! Delightful J post.

  7. New to me too but, as a confirmed bibliophile, will certainly check it out!

    Great post and blog!

  8. I also haven't read that book and they are right, it sounds delightful. Thank you for sharing.

    All the best,

  9. Sounds like a sweet story -- maybe the Midnight Cat hid your copy!! I'll have to look for it at the library -- I have a granddaughter who just loves to be read to, even though she can now read for herself!

  10. My books end up in safe places also...

    Sometimes they are so safe I never find them again!

  11. I have not heard of John Brown... Perhaps I will look into it so the littlest Grand and I can read it together...

    There is something about reading a book for the first time with a wild little red-head that brings so much Joy to life...

    Great Job for the letter J...

    Thanks for linking.



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