Thursday, January 10, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Hh


This great meme is hosted by Jenny Matlock. Click here to visit the website and join in the fun! I am going to use Alphabet Thursday to show off some of my favourite children's picture books each week! I love using picture books in my teaching and do have a particular fondness for vintage picture books. 

Here are this weeks books! I love the illustrations in Henny Penny so much.

Henny Penny by Paul Galdone 

Holly Hobbie's Alphabet Book by Holly Hobby.


  1. Love Henny Penny. Haven't seen Holly Hobbie in a long time. Love children's book too!

  2. The illustrations in children's books are always s appealing.And you found some of the best.

  3. ai can see that I would like the illustrations in these books too!

  4. I loved Henny Penny! Haven't seen it in years...

  5. What a lovely post. I don't know these books but they look real nice.

  6. I have both of those books!

    I haven't read Henny Penny in years, though. I shall get that oversight rectified soon!

    This was a neat post! I love children's literature as well!

    Thanks for sharing your happy choices.



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